Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Trip to Honduras: Adam Davis

Traveling to Honduras with twelve Phi Delts from around the United States and Canada to serve the people of Honduras was definitely the experience of a lifetime.  I knew from the minute my plane landed in Miami and my brothers whom I’ve never before met greeted me, that this was going to be a trip unlike any I had ever experienced.  Being a part of the same great organization that is Phi Delta Theta helped us to form strong bonds of friendships within the short time we spent together. 
My favorite part of the trip was being able to share in our nightly ritual and see that although we are all from different parts of the country and different walks of life, we are all able to live the ritual in our daily lives.  Each night, we would spend hours reflecting on our days and the different observations we each made.  We would share stories and our realizations of our “first world problems” and we would take the time to evaluate our own values. 
I will never forget the friendships that I made that week abroad, and the impact that we had on the native people of Honduras.  I challenge every Phi Delt to experience some sort of service immersion trip sometime in his life. 

Adam Davis is a member of the Indiana Gamma chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Butler University. This post was originally posted on the Phi Delta Theta blog

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